WSET Level 3 in Sake | ONLINE & IN-PERSON COURSE | Brooklyn, NY | June 9, 16 & 23, 2025


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For individuals seeking to develop their expertise in sake, this qualification will provide you with a detailed understanding of the production methods that affect the style, quality and price of sake. Upon completion you will be able to assess sakes accurately, and use this information and your understanding of sake to make authoritative recommendations. Upon successful completion you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin, and will be able to use the associated WSET certified logo.

SKU: WSET3-JUN9-2025 Categories: , ,


WSET Level 3 in Sake

Successful candidates will be able to list the principal categories of sake, state their defining characteristics, and know the key principles involved in the storage and service of sake. They will consequently be in a position to answer customer queries and provide recommendations for the service of sake.

In preparation for your upcoming course, please review the online specification provided.

This intensive 3-day sake education course is designed to build upon course material taught in the WSET Level 3 Award in Sake course. Students without WSET Level Award in Sake or Sake Adviser qualifications are requested to contact us prior to course enrollment.

Candidates are required to complete a two-week online pre-study program before attending the course.

This course provides access to the online pre-study program, an online Textbook, workbook PDF, tasting sheets PDF, WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting Sake® (SAT) PDF, tasting samples, and the exam. Upon successful completion, you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin and will be able to use the associated WSET-certified logo.

You must be age 21 or over to take this course and exam.

Course Date and Time

Candidates are required to complete a two-week online pre-study program before attending the course.

Monday, June 09, 2025 (Online)

10:00am – 5:00pm ET

Monday, June 16, 2025 (Online)

10:00am – 5:00pm ET

Monday, June 23, 2025 (In-Person)

10:00am – 5:00pm ET

Tuesday, June 24, 2024 (In-Person Exam)

10:00am – 12:30pm ET

Class Location:


via Zoom (link will be provided prior to course)

In-Person Class and Exam

Brooklyn Kura Taproom
Industry City
34 34th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232
(347) 766 – 1601

Parking: Industry City has on-site outdoor parking available. Daily rates range between $15 – $20. See parking map here!
Shuttle Bus: Industry campus shuttle takes you from the local 36th Street subway stop to the front doors of IC seven days a week. Click here for the live shuttle tracker.

For any class related questions, please contact Sake School directly at


Applicants must possess a Sake Adviser qualification, WSET Level 1 Award in Sake, or have a strong sake or wine background prior to enrollment in the course.

There are no entry requirements for this qualification; however, candidates are required to complete a two-week online pre-study program before attending the course. You must be of legal drinking age in the country where you are attending the course to participate in any alcohol tasting during the course and for the exam.

Important Notice

  • You must be age 21 or over to take this course and exam.
  • The exam for this course must be taken in person.
  • We reserve the right to cancel the class two weeks prior to the date of the course if there is an inadequate number of registrants. In the case of a cancellation, your course fee will be reimbursed (minus the cost of course materials) or you may choose to register for a course at a future date.
  • Registration deadline is Monday, May 12, 5pm PT.
  • Reasonable adjustments may be available upon request before the registration deadline. Please contact us at to make your request.


If you cancel your registration before tasting samples have been shipped, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel your registration after tasting samples have been shipped, we will not be able to refund you. However, you can apply your course fee to future classes.


Tuesday, June 24, 2025 (In-Person Exam)

10:00am – 12:30pm ET

The exam comprises two parts and lasts 2 hours and 10 minutes overall. Students must pass both parts of the examination paper in order to achieve the Level 3 Award in Sake. Candidates are tested over:

  • Theory Exam: a 1 hour and 40 min closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions and 3 questions requiring short written responses
  • Tasting Exam: a 30 min blind tasting of two sake.

Note: Both parts of the examination require a minimum mark of 55% to pass.

Re-sitting an Exam:
If you need to retake the exam, the fee will be $250.00. Please email us to schedule a retake

Main Concepts

    • The main techniques that are used in the production of sake and how they influence style and quality
    • The principal and specialty categories of sake
    • The sake industry and the commercial importance of sake in the Japanese and export markets
    • The principles behind the storage, selection, and service of sake
    • Overview and hands-on tasting of a select range of sake.

Study Support:

  • Students will be given access to the online WSET Level 3 Award in Sake mandatory two-week online pre-study program before attending the course. WSET will contact students by email with online study portal login information.
  • WSET Level 3 Award in Sake online specification
  • WSET Level 3 Award in Sake Systematic Approach to Tasting Sake


Instructor: Sara Guterbock

CBS, ISS, ASP, CS, CWE, DipWSET, JSA Sake Diploma
Certified Sake Educator Level 3, Wine & Spirit Education Trust 
Advanced Sake Professional, Sake Education Council

International Sake Lecturer, Sake Service Institute International
International Sake Sommelier (Kikisake-shi), Sake Service Institute International  Sake Adviser, Sake Service Institute
Shochu Adviser, Sake School of America

Sara spent a year living in Japan as a high school student and grew up in a family that placed great emphasis on learning and experiencing the Japanese language and culture.  Becoming proficient in Sake has brought together Sara’s passion for the beverage industry with her life-long love of Japan, its people, traditions, and cuisine.

Sara devotes a tremendous amount of energy introducing people to the complexities and beauties of Sake and its unmatched ability to pair with food.  She has developed a growing portfolio of 135 sakes, the largest in North Carolina, which she helps to distribute, market, and educate about throughout the state and beyond.

Instructor: Masae Kusada

JSA Sake Diploma, Japan Sommelier Association
Certified WSET L1 and L3 Award in Sake Educator, Wine & Spirit Education Trust
International Sake Lecturer, Sake Service Institute International
International Sake Sommelier (Kikisake-shi), Sake Service Institute International
Sake Adviser, Sake Service Institute
Shochu Adviser, Sake School of America

Masae was born in Japan but raised in New Jersey. Her hospitality experience started in restaurant accounting, eventually moving into the wine world by managing a wine bar and then spending 6 years at a small wine-importing company in NYC. A Jersey girl at heart, she has spent the last few years getting in touch with her Japanese roots through the medium of sake, shochu, and Japanese spirits. Working with Sake School of America and New York Mutual Trading has allowed her to explore the history and traditions of her motherland all while practicing her (very heavily Kansai accented) Japanese language skills.